minimalist gifting

Minimalism is about embracing the people, places, experiences and yes, even things that bring us joy.

Minimalists cherish life’s special occasions as opportunities for joy. When we strip away the unessential, the advertising, the man in the red suit, obligation and expectations, what remains? Love.

Cultivating a grateful heart

Gift-giving and receiving is a love language, a fact minimalists may easily forget, or worse, reject. Lost in the cycle of decluttering we may feel overwhelmed by stuff and anxious at the thought of more. We may respond by limiting or rejecting gifts, attempting to control the stuff by controlling others. Recognise this feeling of discomfort as a reminder to pause.

Discomfort is a catalyst for growth, embrace it. Observe. Ask. Learn.

To cultivate a grateful heart, identify what is most valuable and meaningful to you. Cultivating a grateful heart, Gratitude is the act of appreciating what is most valuable and meaningful to you.

Gift-giving and receiving is a visible symbol of thoughtfulness, a reminder that you are appreciated, loved, and worth sacrificing for. It’s one of five ‘love languages’: words of affirmation, acts of service, giving and receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.

Do you know what your loved one’s love languages are? Take a moment and consider.

x MrsBe